We preach Christ crucified
Website - www.oamission.com
What passes through your mind when you see a crowd of
people in a busy shopping precinct? Often we may only very selfishly think
about how we will be impacted by having to enter busy shops and having to queue
for long periods of time.
It is good for us to remember how the Lord Jesus felt as
He looked upon the vast crowds who followed him from place to place, “But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them,
because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd” (Matthew (9:36). The work of the Open-
So few people today attend a place of worship. Church has
become an alien environment for so many in our society. The need therefore to
take the gospel to them is more urgent than it has been for many generations.
Our evangelists and Associate workers are doing this vital work throughout the
year. In the UK we still enjoy tremendous freedom to take the message of
salvation out to others. We have a life-
As a Mission we are keen to help encourage and train individual
Christians and churches to take up the challenge of open-
OAM Photos 2015